
Saturday, October 27, 2012

What makes John Henry Sununu think he is any more American than Barack H. Obama?  Obama was born in the United States of America and that gives him the right to hold the highest office in this country.  Sununu was born in Cuba and can never hold that office.  Could the reason for his constantly insisting that Obama is un-American be fueled by a certain amount of jealousy for Obama?  Could it be that he, Sununu, has had all the privileges afforded to White America and yet Obama, a Black man, has attained the highest position of President and in so doing Obama has overstepped his place in society?  Is it because of this jealousy that Sununu needs to delegitimize Obama as an American citizen to make himself feel good?  Is being the former Governor of the whitest state in the union of states what makes him think in such bigoted terms that he had this to say about a much respected four star general who has served this country in many capacities “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”  That is what he, Sununu, had to say about General Colin Powell’s endorsement of President Obama.  If that his thinking, I would like to know why such idiots as Sununu and Donald Trump have endorsed Mitt Romney.  Did they endorse Romney because he is someone of their own race and not because he has any intelligence to hold the office of the presidency?

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Mittology of Romnesia
The sale of Snake Oil by a Used Car Salesman

Governor Romney wants us to believe in his goals for a presidency under him but he changes or contradicts what he says consistently.  What he says today contradicts what he said yesterday.  So why would I vote for him?   Listening to him reminds of the time I bought my first car.  The car the man was trying to sell me was an outright lemon but thinking that I knew nothing about cars the man said what he needed to say to close the deal.  The point is this.  I could only afford to pay so much for the car but I wanted to buy a car that was at least reliable and would not break down as soon as I drove off the car lot.  The man gave me several options of cars but kept pitching the sale of one particular car.  In examining the car I found it to start when I turn on the ignition; did no leak oil; stopped when the brakes were applied; did not smoke from old oil; and, the radio worked although there was a rattle in the speaker.  So, I bought that car because he offered me no real guarantee on the other cars.  He guaranteed me that I could bring the car back if I had any problems with it.  Two weeks later the car stopped in the middle of the highway.  I called the salesman and told him the car had broken down and where I was.  He said to bring the car back and he would fix it.   The problem with that?  I was 50 miles away from the city and would have to have the car towed in at my expense.  Alas, I managed to get the car towed back to his lot and his mechanic checked the problem.  The thing that was causing the problem was not something he felt was covered under his guarantee.  I paid for the repairs and drove away.  Within another month I had the car back in there no less than five times.  For the next months that I owned the car I had constant problems with it.  Mitt Romney’s constant flipping what he said in the past and saying that President Obama is lying when he says that he said something reminds me of just what happened with that car.  He says what he needs to say to the audience he is appearing before.  He felt that making the analogy to his family’s owning slaves was what he needed to say to the people he was speaking with in Prattville, Alabama.  When he disced 47% of the citizens as people who took no responsibility for their lives in Boca Raton, Florida, it was what he needed to say at that time.   Throughout the six or so years that he has been running for the presidency he has held an extreme conservatism view, i.e., get rid of  Obama care, have Roe v Wade overturned, get rid of Planned Parenthood, lower taxes for the wealthy, not pull the troops from Iraq as the president did, keep troops in Afghanistan, etc.  He has even indicated he would attack Iran and start another war in Syria.  Then he said he would keep parts of Obamacare and won’t lower those taxes.  Now he is back to saying he will get rid of Obamacare.  He supports the extreme views of those who say ‘rape is an act of god’, there such a thing as ‘legitimate rape’, ‘there is something within a woman’s body that will stop her from becoming pregnant if she is legitimately raped’, etc.  Just who is the real Mitt Romney?  The real Mitt Romney is the used car salesman who has changed his profession from selling the used car lemons to sell snake oil promising that it will cure all that ails the United States of America.  Women, PLEASE!!!  DON’T FALL INTO THE TRAP AND BUY THAT SNAKE OIL!!!!!  It really is toxic and the venom is very dangerous.  This man wants smaller government except when it comes to your body.  He wants government out of our personal lives unless you are a woman.  He wants government to be the decider of what happens with your body, if you should use contraceptives or not, whether or not you should have a baby as a result of a rape or not, have screenings for breast cancer or not, etc.  The man is trying to sell you a bill of goods that have no substance.  DON’T BUY IT!!!  You will still get a used car that is nothing but a lemon.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

        To ALL The Obama Doubters

For those of you who are considering not voting for President Obama this time around.  Please keep in mind that Mitt Romney's views are whatever is convenient for him to say at a given time to get your votes.  As for the president's record.  No man or woman could have gotten this country out of the mess that President Bush left it in any faster than Obama has.  Romney's message that (1) 'I'm not concerned about the poor.  They will take care of themselves.' (2) '47 % of the people in the country are slackers, moochers, or takers who need think they are entitled to what we (the rich) have.  They just want the government to hand them checks, food stamps, medical care, etc. but don't pay taxes to get it.'  (3) 'I think that women don't deserve the same pay that a man does.'  (4) 'I want less government except when it comes to a woman's body.  The government must control that issue.'  (5) 'I won't make the rich pay more.  I'll just make you (the working class) pay more.'  (6) 'I think that poor children need to figure out a way to take care of themselves and their college education.'  (7) 'If you get sick, don't sit in your apartment.  We'll get you to the emergency room so you can sit there for hours to, maybe, get the care you need for whatever ails you.'  (8) 'I support the theory that slavery was good for Black people.  They need to understand that.  I know because my family owned slaves.'  (9) 'I know how to create jobs. I outsourced many jobs and sent them to China.'  (10) 'I know how to rebuild companies.  I took many of them over and sent them into bankruptcy and put those people out of work.'  (11)  'If you served in the military, "thank you."  I sought ways to avoid serving.  You're on your own to survive whatever injuries you incurred in the line of duty but I will increase the budget and seen more of you to fight in Iran, or wherever.  I can't wait to accomplish this because the Prime Minister of Israel thinks we need to fight Iran.  I also think we need to go to war with Russia.'  (12) 'If you paid into Social Security, so what.  I think your money needs to be put at risk on Wall Street rather than in the safer place the government has it.' and the most famous one of all (13) 'Trust me when I say that it is not going to happen. My word is fact.  I won't tell you how much I will raise your taxes by.  Just know that it will be more in favor of the rich and less in favor for the middle class or poor.'  Folks, look past the smoke and mirrors that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are selling you.  My vote has already been cast for our economy to continue on the path of success we are on.  You can follow the smoke and mirrors route if you care to but I guarantee you will pay a heavy price in the end.  Think about it.