
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

           What Will Their Next Dig at the President Be?

From day 1 President Barack Obama has faced discriminatory remarks and been faced with accusations about his presidency and his birth and heritage that no other president in history has had to face.  Now that habitual adulterer, Newt Ginghrich, with his shady past (draft dodger, lying corporate lobbyist, dead beat dad, banking scandal while in congress, and GOPAC sleaze ball, etc.) now says that President Obama "is not a real president."  John Sununu says the president is “absolutely lazy” and says he is “detached from his job.”  Mitt Romney is continually insinuating that the president is not an American.  Maybe I am just naive but can anyone tell me just what the president has done that makes him any less a president than any of his predecessors?

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