
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Republicans Freaking Out Because President Obama Won the Election

Donald Trump tweeted "Our nation is a once great nation divided."  "Our country is now in serious and unprecedented never before."  "This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!" "More votes equals a loss...revolution!"  "Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us." "We can't let this happen.  We should march on Washington and stop this travesty.  Our nation is totally divided."  "The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock of our nation.  The loser won."  He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election.  We should have a revolution in this country."

Now, we all know that "Mr. Comb Over Hair Do" has to be the center of attention or he throws temper tantrums and hissy fits.  What does he want people to march on Washington for?  What kind of revolution does he envision?  Another civil war?  Is he angry that he, and his co-horts, greased people's palms to buy the election and failed to get the intended return on his investment? Perhaps he is angry that he did not get the chance to say "You're Fired!" to the president as he likes to say on the Apprentice.  GET OVER IT, TRUMP!!!!  Barack H. Obama is still the President of the United States of America.  Go get a new hair do or do something worthwhile for this country except show your unmitigated ignorance.  Amazingly, or maybe not, he was not the only idiot spewing venom last night and today.  Here are a few more tweets and quotes:

“There a lot of disappointed folks.  We worry that there won’t be another Republican president after this. It’s a sad day in history. We’re hoping that Texas will secede.” (a disappointed Texas woman to young child)

“He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N., and what is going to happen when that happens?” ... I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy. Now what’s going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He’s going to send in U.N. troops. I don’t want ‘em in Lubbock County. OK. So I’m going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say, ‘You’re not coming in here.’ And the sheriff, I’ve already asked him, I said, ‘You gonna back me?’ He said, ‘Yeah, I’ll back you.’ Well, I don’t want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.”  (Judge Tom Head, a Texas Judge)

"Im really looking forward to a doubled debt, higher gas prices & the government trying to take away my guns!"

"Notice to all patients, Prepare for LONG LINES & government denial of care. That's what you have voted for today. Hope you Love Obamacare"

"Way to ruin the country Obama voters you got your wish. I hope you can all live in the hell he is going I create"

"at what point does secession get put on the table?"

"I am honestly scared for the future of this country if Obama is re-elected and am seriously considering moving to a different country..."

"This country is doomed."

"Well we're screwed.. Don't know how this country can give such a failure of a president a second term.. I've lost hope in the electorate.."

"ONLY glimmer of hope I had for this country & economy was ROMNEY/RYAN- w/o them we're gonna lose our rights to this commie regime"

"I am so disgusted, sad and disturbed by the results tonight. I am afraid and sad for the future of our Country. Too many stupid people."

"I'm gonna go pray to just survive the next 4 years and for the country to still exist and be the land of the free and home of the brave."

"I can't stop crying :( I can't believe this world. You people are idiots. Still for #RomneyRyan2012."

"I am honestly sick to my stomach. I have lost all hope in America as a nation. Its time we start to feel sorry for ourselves."

"A thousand years of darkness begins tonight"

"America died."

"Loadin up on guns, gas, mudgrips, and some Copenhagen to prepare for the next four years."

"I fear more of the same. More government, more ways of taxing and getting money for different things. Because they’re going to want more things so they’re going to find ways of getting it." (New Yorker)

"It will slow or deter our recovery. I (would have liked) to see a business person run the country like a business. I think that would (have been) a big change — where profits and losses matter, and you don’t spend it if you don’t have it. You know, like we all live." (New Yorker)

"I'm moving to Australia, because their president is a Christian and actually supports what he says."

"The fact that there is a concession speech, not widespread violence, happening now is a testament to America's greatness."

 "I feel sorry for Mitt Romney, but sorrier the country will never have him as president." (Ann Coulter)

"Well, at least we know for sure where America stands.  On her knees and with her hands out." (Kevin Sorbo)

"By the way, did I mention that Obama is an incredibly shitty president?" (Dennis Miller)

"BClinton: b/c of Obama, American military now "less racist, less sexist & less homophobic."  Whoops! He forgot "less well-funded." (Fred Thompson, former Senator)

"This election is crazy" (LeAnn Rhimes Cibrian)

"At least the president can't blame this mess he's "inheriting" on anyone but himself!" (Patricia Heaton)

"Next 4 yrs...20 Tril debt, 7.9% unemployment, Global taxation, and everything will still be Bush's fault." (Jenna Jameson)

"I'm going to watch our economy collapse and move to Colorado where I will have a joint and light it with a trillion dollar bill." (Janelle Pierzina)

"good morning Greece. Oh... I mean America." (Elisabeth Hasselbeck)

"Any thoughts? Who will 2nd term Obama blame the last four years on?" (Glenn Beck)

"The good news is the promise of continued massive unemployment among young people." (Ann Coulter)

"America died." (Victoria Jackson)

"Goodluk America u just voted for economic & spiritual suicide.  Soulless fools." (Ted Nugent)

"Small things beat big things yesterday...  Conservatism ... did not lose last night ... It is practically impossible to beat Santa Claus. People are not going to vote against Santa Claus, especially if the alternative is being your own Santa Claus... I went to bed last night thinking, 'we're outnumbered'. I went to bed last night thinking we'd lost the country. I don't know how else you look at this. The first wave of exit polls came in at five o'clock. I looked at it, and I said ... 'this is utter BS, and if it isn't, then we've lost the country.'" (Rush Limbaugh)

"I’ve got egg on my face. I predicted a Romney landslide and, instead, we ended up with an Obama squeaker.  The key reason for my bum prediction is that I mistakenly believed that the 2008 surge in black, Latino, and young voter turnout would recede in 2012 to “normal” levels. Didn’t happen. These high levels of minority and young voter participation are here to stay. And, with them, a permanent reshaping of our nation’s politics." (Dick Morris, former advisor to former President Bill Clinton)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


As I have listened to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan deliver their final speeches this week I am reminded of what former President Bill Clinton said at the DNC referring to the Republican’s relentless attacks on President Obama’s accomplishments and on the economy since taking office.

“…We all know that he also tried to work with congressional Republicans on health care, debt reduction and new jobs. And that didn’t work out so well.  But it could have been because, as the Senate Republican leader said in a remarkable moment of candor two full years before the election, their number one priority was not to put America back to work; it was to put the president out of work.

“…The Republican argument against the president’s re-election was actually pretty simple — pretty snappy. It went something like this: We left him a total mess. He hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough. So fire him and put us back in.

“…They want to the same old policies that got us in trouble in the first place. They want to cut taxes for high- income Americans, even more than President Bush did. They want to get rid of those pesky financial regulations designed to prevent another crash and prohibit future bailouts. They want to actually increase defense spending over a decade $2 trillion more than the Pentagon has requested without saying what they’ll spend it on. And they want to make enormous cuts in the rest of the budget, especially programs that help the middle class and poor children.

“…Here it is. He inherited a deeply damaged economy. He put a floor under the crash. He began the long, hard road to recovery and laid the foundation for a modern, more well- balanced economy that will produce millions of good new jobs, vibrant new businesses and lots of new wealth for innovators.

“…When President Barack Obama took office, the economy was in free fall. It had just shrunk 9 full percent of GDP. We were losing 750,000 jobs a month.

“…In 2010, as the president’s recovery program kicked in, the job losses stopped and things began to turn around. The recovery act saved or created millions of jobs and cut taxes — let me say this again — cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people.   And, in the last 29 months, our economy has produced about 4 1/2 million private sector jobs.

“We could have done better, but last year the Republicans blocked the president’s job plan, costing the economy more than a million new jobs.

“…I don’t know about you — but on all these issues, I know we’re better off because President Obama made the decisions he did.

“…So let me ask you something. Are we better off because President Obama fought for health care reform?  You bet we are.

“…So — so President Obama and the Democrats didn’t weaken Medicare; they strengthened Medicare. Now, when Congressman Ryan looked into that TV camera and attacked President Obama’s Medicare savings as, quote, the biggest, coldest power play, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry — because that $716 billion is exactly, to the dollar, the same amount of Medicare savings that he has in his own budget.  You got to get one thing — it takes some brass to attack a guy for doing what you did.

“…Let’s look at the other big charge the Republicans made. It’s a real doozy.  They actually have charged and run ads saying that President Obama wants to weaken the work requirements in the welfare reform bill I signed that moved millions of people from welfare to work.

“…When some Republican governors asked if they could have waivers to try new ways to put people on welfare back to work, the Obama administration listened because we all know it’s hard for even people with good work histories to get jobs today. So moving folks from welfare to work is a real challenge.

“And the administration agreed to give waivers to those governors and others only if they had a credible plan to increase employment by 20 percent, and they could keep the waivers only if they did increase employment. Now, did I make myself clear? The requirement was for more work, not less.

“…My fellow Americans, all of us in this grand hall and everybody watching at home, when we vote in this election, we’ll be deciding what kind of country we want to live in.

“…If you want a future of shared prosperity, where the middle class is growing and poverty is declining, where the American dream is really alive and well again and where the United States maintains its leadership as a force for peace and justice and prosperity in this highly competitive world, you have to vote for Barack Obama.”

I’ve listened to Mitt Romney as he boasted of his accomplishments as Governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007) with that smirky smile on his face while he puts down the president, lied about what the president said or did, and changed his own position on issues seemingly on a daily basis.  Here are some facts:

1.       Mitt Romney made disparaging remarks about and dismissed 47% of the people in the United States as being lazy, not willing to take responsibility for themselves, waiting for government handouts, etc.

2.       Paul Ryan dismisses 30% of Americans “takers.”

3.       Romney says “You know that if the President is re-elected, he will still be unable to work with the people in Congress.”  As Clinton said “It takes some brass to attack a guy for doing what you did.”

a.       As governor of Massachusetts Romney says “I figured out from day one I had to get along and I had to work across the aisle to get anything done.”    He vetoed more than 800 budgetary bills all of which were overturned or overridden 99.6% of the time (775 overridden, 3 approved).  Often with the 6 republicans joining the Democrats to kill Romney’s vetoes.

b.      He vetoed a bill that would have covered cities during floods in 2004.  According to news reports “Romney claimed he didn't have enough information about the project, though local officials said they had given him lots of information. In 2006, Peabody flooded again. Romney was there for a photo op after the flood, but Peabody probably would have preferred to have had the funding to prevent flooding in the first place. When the city of Greenfield flooded, in 2005, Romney was too busy traveling the nation positioning himself for a presidential run to find out the extent of the flooding or declare an emergency. The most senior person in his administration, the city's mayor, could get in touch with was the lieutenant governor's chief of staff. Without help from the state, Greenfield faced an example of what America can look forward to if Romney becomes president. ”  Those incidents would have been perfect opportunities for him to demonstrate his idea of reducing funding to FEMA in lieu of returning total responsibility of emergency responses to the states.  According to news reports “Romney says he wants states to handle emergency response. But when he had the chance to show how well that can work, all he showed was failure and indifference.”

c.       He was described as “aloof and, after a failed attempt to build up the Republican brand in his state, he withdrew, refusing to work with legislators – even Republicans.”

d.      He ”had a policeman screen visitors and who did not allow lawmakers to use the bank of elevators just outside his office.”

e.      "The Republican reps would grumble that he didn't even know their names."

f.        He says he “cut taxes 19 times.”  Reports say “Romney simply signed those 19 tax cuts in many cases without any prior work with legislators. The majority of the tax cuts were selective and small tax credits or deductions, not broad-based cuts.”

g.       "The one bipartisan effort of his administration was health reform,'' and in that case others “did a superb job and Romney did not.”

h.      In 2004 he helped recruit and finance “more than 100 new Republican candidates for the 200 House and Senate seats in Massachusetts. The effort failed when all incumbents were re-elected to office. Romney then seemed to turn more of his attention to testing the waters for a presidential run in 2008.”

Romney and Ryan have characterized Barack Obama as being everything they can.  He has been accused of doing so many things that the fact-checkers have said just aren’t so.  Just a few days ago Ryan said Obamacare was “a path that grows government, restricts freedom and liberty and compromises those values, those Judeo-Christian, Western civilization values that made us such a great and exceptional nation in the first place.”  That is ironic since his ideological hero is Ayn Rand is one of history’s most famous and outspoken atheists according to news reports.  So, having said the above when you enter that booth to cast your vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket today take the rose-colored glasses off and accept Romney’s used car salesman speech for exactly what it is – HE IS MAKING HIS SALES PITCH IN ATTEMPT TO SELL YOU A LEMON DISQUISED AS A PEACH.  You will get what Massachusetts got – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!  A VOTE FOR ROMNEY IS A VOTE AGAINST YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I am amazed at the number of Black ministers advising their followers and parishioners to not cast a vote for the president.  It amazes me because these ministers are willing to have the things that would be helpful to the most needy in their communities sold down the toilet (my nicest description) because the president has chosen to advocate for every single individual (regardless of their color, race, or sexual orientation) who resides in these United States of America.  I just came across a video with 1 minister even using the “N” word while spewing his venom.   I consider myself a Christian with Christian beliefs and cannot fathom advocating against anyone who believes different than myself simply because they express what they feel is the right thing to do.  The president has been accused of dividing the country.  Yet, when he does or says anything geared toward bringing all peoples together there is still so much being done and said to under mind it.  Why is this?  Are you basing your decision on what is in the Bible - the most accepted Word of God - concerning abortion? I think God has His opinion of how He views abortion. Does He give us His point of view in the Bible? If your answer to that question is 'Yes', please tell me where in the Bible that is stated. I have searched for that answer but I can find it nowhere - NOT A SINGLE PASSAGE.  If you say that it is murder of an unborn fetus then that should be a decision between the woman making that decision and her conscience since she will have to live with that particular deed. If you say it is because of the gay rights - same sex marriage issue. If you ever found yourself in a gay relationship would you want to be treated different than I am in a heterosexual relationship? I think not. What if your son or daughter were in either of those positions? Would you want them condemned by the public as some sort of criminal? I think not.  I would hope that you would not disparage my child simply because of whom they chose to partner with.  Our Lord and Savior will reckon with each and every one of us based upon the deeds that we perform or accomplish here on earth. I recognize that you, as a minister, have your personal beliefs and your job is to teach the right and wrong.  But, please STOPPPP this anti-Obama campaign.  The president is getting enough of that from those who desire to have the poor and less fortunate remain poor and less fortunate.  I have no problem with your letting your congregations know how you feel about these things but this ranting and spewing hatred from your pulpits is not something that God wants you to do in his name.  JUST MY OPINION!!!  There is enough racial hatred, homophobia, religious devisieness, etc., in the world as it is.  Those on the right throw enough racist stuff at the president.  Some questions for you…Would you feel better if there was a man in the White House who took this country back to where we were before the 1960s?  Some of you even espouse that Mitt Romney would be a better president.  Why?  Because he is a rich White man who will only make the rich richer and keep the poor poorer?  Can you tell me what Mitt Romney's vision for the country is?  I think not.  He has flipped from being against Roe v. Wade to being for it.  does he believe in equal pay for equal work?  He would have kept our military fighting in Iraq untill...  He will keep our military fighting in Afghanistan untill....  He will cut entitlement programs but can't say which ones - just asks the country to trust him.  Mitt Romney could not have done a better job in turning this country around than the president has.  He says he created jobs.  Sure he did - a handful of them to replace workers whose jobs had been outsourced.  As governor he worked across the aisle.  Yes he did - because he had no choice, the legistatures were mostly of the other party and even then he flipped and flopped.  He left the State in worse condition than he found it.  He took over companies and sent them into bankruptcy outsourcing the jobs.  So, now tell me the positive things about Mitt Romney becoming president.  The man reminds me of a used car salesman who say anything necessary to make the sale.  Barack H. Obama was elected president for all Americans regardless of whom they choose to worship or love, race, creed, or religion.  In the aftermath of the recent devistating storm, Sandy, he did what a leader is supposed to do.  Yet, there are those of all races who critize that.  Can this man ever do anything to please you? 

Friday, November 2, 2012

A simple message for all people who plan to vote against President Obama simply because he said that the government (specifically Congress) should not have authority over a woman's body (paraphrased) and same sex marriages should be recognized.  The president gave his personal views.  I'd like to pose a question to you.   Are you basing your decision on what is in the Bible - the most accepted Word of God - concerning abortion?  I think God has His opinion of how He views abortion.  Does He give us His point of view in the Bible?  If your answer to that question is 'Yes', please tell me where in the Bible that is stated.  I have searched for that answer but I can find it nowhere - NOT A SINGLE PASSAGE.  I am certain that God does have an opinion but I am equally certain that He will reckon with those who have abortions on case by case bases.  Personally, I could never see myself having an abortion but I would not impose my feelings in that regard upon another woman.  But more than that I cannot see that it should be the federal or state government who decides what I, and you, choose to do with our bodies.  If you say that it is murder of an unborn fetus then that also should be between the woman making that decision and her conscience since she will have to live that particular deed.  If you say it is because of the gay rights - same sex marriage issue.  If you ever found yourself in a gay relationship would you want to be treated different than I am in a heterosexual relationship?  I think not.  What if your son or daughter were in either of those positions?  Would you want them condemned by the public as some sort of criminal?  I think not.  Granted, I am not involved in a gay relationship and could never see myself in one but I would not dare tell my child or even my neighbor that they should be criminalized because they chose to have a same-sex partner, married or otherwise.  And I would hope that you would not disparage my child simply because of whom they chose to partner with.  Is it because you believe what you have heard about the Affordable Care Act -ObamaCare?  The things that are covered under ObamaCare are beneficial to me and my Medicare, your parents who need Medicare, your child or some other child you know with a medical condition whose health care's expenses may exceed what your insurance allows for and will then be a heavy burden on your ability to otherwise provide for that child, your pre-existing condition and can't get insurance to cover, the assistance you, or someone you know who has lost their job because of deep recession we are now recovering from, etc.  ObamaCare protects Medicare and it is beneficial in other ways as well.  Is it because you have not been able to gain employment?  Well, under a Romney-Ryan White House you will not have it any better.  As we venture on through this slow recovery of the economy things are getting better.  President Obama has a lot more work to do to get this country back in shape but he is getting us there.  Now, for my Black brothers and sisters.  Are you dismayed that not enough has been done for you, personally?  Well, I wish Barack Obama could have made me a millionaire.  But that fact is not reality.  Mr. Obama was elected to be the President of the United States - all races, people, and things.  He was not elected to be the president of Black America, solely.  As I see it, Barack H. Obama has been working for things beneficial for you, me, and every other person who considers themselves a citizen of these United States of America.  So, please find yourself at your precinct casting your vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Vote like your life depends on it.  Vote because you have a right to and you will never let anyone or anything takes that right away from you.  But by God Almighty do get to that precinct and cast that vote.  Vote for Barack Obama.  Vote for Mitt Romney if you believe his flipping and flopping on important issues will get you what you need.  But I assure you that if you choose the Romney-Ryan platform, you, and I, will find ourselves back in the same conditions we are recovering from.   Vote for one of the other candidates on the ticket if you desire to.  But know that when you cast your vote for that alternative candidate, it takes away from the candidate who actually will win the election.  It would be nice if God, Himself, were 1 of the options that you have.  But since God is not a candidate, why not vote for the candidate who has the interest of all Americans on his mind - not just the super richest of our citizens. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What makes John Henry Sununu think he is any more American than Barack H. Obama?  Obama was born in the United States of America and that gives him the right to hold the highest office in this country.  Sununu was born in Cuba and can never hold that office.  Could the reason for his constantly insisting that Obama is un-American be fueled by a certain amount of jealousy for Obama?  Could it be that he, Sununu, has had all the privileges afforded to White America and yet Obama, a Black man, has attained the highest position of President and in so doing Obama has overstepped his place in society?  Is it because of this jealousy that Sununu needs to delegitimize Obama as an American citizen to make himself feel good?  Is being the former Governor of the whitest state in the union of states what makes him think in such bigoted terms that he had this to say about a much respected four star general who has served this country in many capacities “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”  That is what he, Sununu, had to say about General Colin Powell’s endorsement of President Obama.  If that his thinking, I would like to know why such idiots as Sununu and Donald Trump have endorsed Mitt Romney.  Did they endorse Romney because he is someone of their own race and not because he has any intelligence to hold the office of the presidency?

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Mittology of Romnesia
The sale of Snake Oil by a Used Car Salesman

Governor Romney wants us to believe in his goals for a presidency under him but he changes or contradicts what he says consistently.  What he says today contradicts what he said yesterday.  So why would I vote for him?   Listening to him reminds of the time I bought my first car.  The car the man was trying to sell me was an outright lemon but thinking that I knew nothing about cars the man said what he needed to say to close the deal.  The point is this.  I could only afford to pay so much for the car but I wanted to buy a car that was at least reliable and would not break down as soon as I drove off the car lot.  The man gave me several options of cars but kept pitching the sale of one particular car.  In examining the car I found it to start when I turn on the ignition; did no leak oil; stopped when the brakes were applied; did not smoke from old oil; and, the radio worked although there was a rattle in the speaker.  So, I bought that car because he offered me no real guarantee on the other cars.  He guaranteed me that I could bring the car back if I had any problems with it.  Two weeks later the car stopped in the middle of the highway.  I called the salesman and told him the car had broken down and where I was.  He said to bring the car back and he would fix it.   The problem with that?  I was 50 miles away from the city and would have to have the car towed in at my expense.  Alas, I managed to get the car towed back to his lot and his mechanic checked the problem.  The thing that was causing the problem was not something he felt was covered under his guarantee.  I paid for the repairs and drove away.  Within another month I had the car back in there no less than five times.  For the next months that I owned the car I had constant problems with it.  Mitt Romney’s constant flipping what he said in the past and saying that President Obama is lying when he says that he said something reminds me of just what happened with that car.  He says what he needs to say to the audience he is appearing before.  He felt that making the analogy to his family’s owning slaves was what he needed to say to the people he was speaking with in Prattville, Alabama.  When he disced 47% of the citizens as people who took no responsibility for their lives in Boca Raton, Florida, it was what he needed to say at that time.   Throughout the six or so years that he has been running for the presidency he has held an extreme conservatism view, i.e., get rid of  Obama care, have Roe v Wade overturned, get rid of Planned Parenthood, lower taxes for the wealthy, not pull the troops from Iraq as the president did, keep troops in Afghanistan, etc.  He has even indicated he would attack Iran and start another war in Syria.  Then he said he would keep parts of Obamacare and won’t lower those taxes.  Now he is back to saying he will get rid of Obamacare.  He supports the extreme views of those who say ‘rape is an act of god’, there such a thing as ‘legitimate rape’, ‘there is something within a woman’s body that will stop her from becoming pregnant if she is legitimately raped’, etc.  Just who is the real Mitt Romney?  The real Mitt Romney is the used car salesman who has changed his profession from selling the used car lemons to sell snake oil promising that it will cure all that ails the United States of America.  Women, PLEASE!!!  DON’T FALL INTO THE TRAP AND BUY THAT SNAKE OIL!!!!!  It really is toxic and the venom is very dangerous.  This man wants smaller government except when it comes to your body.  He wants government out of our personal lives unless you are a woman.  He wants government to be the decider of what happens with your body, if you should use contraceptives or not, whether or not you should have a baby as a result of a rape or not, have screenings for breast cancer or not, etc.  The man is trying to sell you a bill of goods that have no substance.  DON’T BUY IT!!!  You will still get a used car that is nothing but a lemon.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

        To ALL The Obama Doubters

For those of you who are considering not voting for President Obama this time around.  Please keep in mind that Mitt Romney's views are whatever is convenient for him to say at a given time to get your votes.  As for the president's record.  No man or woman could have gotten this country out of the mess that President Bush left it in any faster than Obama has.  Romney's message that (1) 'I'm not concerned about the poor.  They will take care of themselves.' (2) '47 % of the people in the country are slackers, moochers, or takers who need think they are entitled to what we (the rich) have.  They just want the government to hand them checks, food stamps, medical care, etc. but don't pay taxes to get it.'  (3) 'I think that women don't deserve the same pay that a man does.'  (4) 'I want less government except when it comes to a woman's body.  The government must control that issue.'  (5) 'I won't make the rich pay more.  I'll just make you (the working class) pay more.'  (6) 'I think that poor children need to figure out a way to take care of themselves and their college education.'  (7) 'If you get sick, don't sit in your apartment.  We'll get you to the emergency room so you can sit there for hours to, maybe, get the care you need for whatever ails you.'  (8) 'I support the theory that slavery was good for Black people.  They need to understand that.  I know because my family owned slaves.'  (9) 'I know how to create jobs. I outsourced many jobs and sent them to China.'  (10) 'I know how to rebuild companies.  I took many of them over and sent them into bankruptcy and put those people out of work.'  (11)  'If you served in the military, "thank you."  I sought ways to avoid serving.  You're on your own to survive whatever injuries you incurred in the line of duty but I will increase the budget and seen more of you to fight in Iran, or wherever.  I can't wait to accomplish this because the Prime Minister of Israel thinks we need to fight Iran.  I also think we need to go to war with Russia.'  (12) 'If you paid into Social Security, so what.  I think your money needs to be put at risk on Wall Street rather than in the safer place the government has it.' and the most famous one of all (13) 'Trust me when I say that it is not going to happen. My word is fact.  I won't tell you how much I will raise your taxes by.  Just know that it will be more in favor of the rich and less in favor for the middle class or poor.'  Folks, look past the smoke and mirrors that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are selling you.  My vote has already been cast for our economy to continue on the path of success we are on.  You can follow the smoke and mirrors route if you care to but I guarantee you will pay a heavy price in the end.  Think about it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

           What Will Their Next Dig at the President Be?

From day 1 President Barack Obama has faced discriminatory remarks and been faced with accusations about his presidency and his birth and heritage that no other president in history has had to face.  Now that habitual adulterer, Newt Ginghrich, with his shady past (draft dodger, lying corporate lobbyist, dead beat dad, banking scandal while in congress, and GOPAC sleaze ball, etc.) now says that President Obama "is not a real president."  John Sununu says the president is “absolutely lazy” and says he is “detached from his job.”  Mitt Romney is continually insinuating that the president is not an American.  Maybe I am just naive but can anyone tell me just what the president has done that makes him any less a president than any of his predecessors?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

               Paul Ryan Calls the 47% "Takers"

In distancing himself from former Governor Mitt Romney's disparaging comments discing almost a half of the people in America as moochers Congressman Paul Ryan said Romney's remarks were "obviously inarticulate.... I think he would have said it differently, that’s for sure." Ryan, himself, has said "We risk hitting a tipping point in our society where we have more 'takers' than 'makers' in society, where we will have turned our safety net into a hammock that lulls able bodied people into lives of dependency and complacency." Being curious or nosey, as I often am, I decided to do an online dictionary check on the meaning of the word "taker." I have to wonder if Mr. Ryan ever thought to do the same. In the below definitions the Urban Dictionary offers three (3) definitions for a 'taker'. Of all the definitions that I found I wonder which of these would Mr. Ryan say describes what he means by the word "taker". I, particualrly, found the Urban Dictionary's 3rd definition "One who is always taking from others, similar to a mooch or chiseler. In most cases takers aren't stealing, they are just taking advantage of the hospitality of others without reciprocating or saying thanks" interesting. I also found Roget's 21st Centuryt Thesaurus, Third Edition's meaning extremely interesting. It says "Main Entry: parasite [par-uh-sahyt]. Part of Speech: noun Definition: something that exists by taking from or depending on another Synonyms: barnacle, bloodsucker, bootlicker, deadbeat, dependent, flunky, freeloader, groupie, hanger-on, idler, leech, scrounger, sponge, stooge, sucker, sycophant, taker Antonyms: blessing." So, just what does "takers" mean to you, Mr. Ryan?

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
- NOUN: One that takes or takes up something, such as a wager or purchase

Cambridge definition: someone who accepts or wants what someone is offering.
Glossary of Legal Terms: Definition - Noun: one that takes: as
a : one that takes property by will or descent <a residuary ~>
b : one to whom a negotiable instrument is transferred.

Urban Dictionary: 1. Someone who always takes from other people and never gives back. 2. noun - someone who likes it in the backdoor usually very often. 3. One who is always taking from others, similar to a mooch or chiseler. In most cases takers aren't stealing, they are just taking advantage of the hospitality of others without reciprocating or saying thanks.

Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. - noun: One that takes or takes up something, such as a wager or purchase.

Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition - n. One who takes or receives; one who catches or apprehended.

World English Dictionary - a person who takes something, esp a bet, wager, or offer of purchase.

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition
- Main Entry: parasite
[par-uh-sahyt]. Part of Speech: noun Definition: something that exists by taking from or depending on another Synonyms: barnacle, bloodsucker, bootlicker, deadbeat, dependent, flunky, freeloader, groupie, hanger-on, idler, leech, scrounger, sponge, stooge, sucker, sycophant, taker Antonyms: blessing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why Does Mitt Romney Really Want To Be President?

Does Mr. Romney want to be president so he can add another notch to his impressive resume?  Every time I try to even like this man I find myself asking that very question?  I was never a George Bush fan but I at least liked the man as a person.  He never made me think that he was less than an average human being.  Bush knew where he came from, at least.  Mitt Romney, on the other hand, really comes across to me as a rich a$$hole who really does not like people who occasionally need a little assistance to make it, looks down on those not on his financial level, hates senior citizens and anyone who is now receiving Social Security, Medicare, disability, food stamps, or any other type of annuity.  I have even questioned whether or not he even likes the people who serve in our armed forces since he is against anything that might help veterans.  Has he forgotten that his father, George Wilcken Romney, was on public assistance (welfare) at one point in his life?  Were his grandparents’ moochers or slackers?  Does he want to be president because his father tried and did not succeed (Richard Nixon won the spot but appointed Romney to the position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?  Does he want the position of president in order to help his rich counterparts keep paying that 13% or less tax rates?   Every time he speaks I feel like he is looking down on those of us less fortunate than he.  The recently revealed secret tape reinforces these thoughts because the man was orating was very relaxed and speaking his true thoughts and feelings.  Lord help me if he becomes president.  At nearly 70 years of age I could find myself paying taxes again on my disability and Social Security.  One definition for condescending is "snobby: behaving toward other people in a way that shows you consider yourself socially or intellectually superior to them."  He may be a nice man to his family but I find him very condescending.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

                   President and Mr. Romney Caught on Tape
The lines that everyone is talking about this morning are "So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, and they cling to guns or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or, you know, anti-trade sentiment [as] a way to explain their frustrations."   What Obama was saying is that no matter what the people he referenced thought and felt or how skeptical they were of him the volunteers were to be humble, empathetic, and open with them and to focus on the people's economic concerns because of the betrayal they felt from past administrations.  In other words he wanted those people to understand he would be president to all people.
Mitt Romney on the other hand in his May 2012 fund raising speech to a group of fund raisers says, "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That, that’s an entitlement.   And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax... my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives…. The president has been a disappointment. He told you he’d keep unemployment below 8 percent. Hasn’t been below eight percent since. Fifty percent of kids coming out of school can’t get a job. Fifty percent."

First of all about three fourth of those Mr. Romney referred to are senior citizens like me who receive Social Security or other benefits.  When we worked we paid payroll taxes and pay federal income taxes now on money that we earn over specific amounts.  Child tax credits and taxes beneficial to people who make less than $20,000 a year also fall in that category.  But the most identifying thing about Mr. Romney's comments is the fact that what he is saying is that he's not planning to be president for me; he's only planning to be president for the wealthy.  He is saying that I, a senior citizen, don't matter and he really does not care a damn about me because according to him 'I am lazy, a dead beat, a moocher who contributes little to society, an entitlement victim, a free-loader parasite, a slacker, have no fortitude and am a characterless victim who sits around waiting for the government to give me something.'  Governor Romney cannot relate to the middle class and poor people of America who need affordable health care, government assistance at times in our lives, or food stamps because we can't afford to eat otherwise.
Now both of these speeches contain disparaging remarks but there is a difference in the intent.  President Obama was encouraging volunteers to not ignore anyone based upon their beliefs and thoughts.  Mr. Romney, on the other hand, seems to make his speeches according to whatever crowd he happens to be addressing.  That in itself is not a problem.  The problem - MITT ROMNEY IS NOT THE MAN TO LEAD AMERICA AT THIS TIME.  He simply does not get what the average American family needs to survive because he has never had to live the life that middle class and poor people live.  In his book if you are not privileged YOU JUST DON'T MATTER!!!!!  Therefore when he says "My job is not to worry about those people" to the people funding his campaign HE ACTUALLY MEANS JUST THAT!!!!!  People, if you fail to exercise your right to vote; if you elect to by-pass that voting booth in November; if you allow yourself to be intimidated into not casting your vote; this man may actually be the next president of the United States of America.  So, call your neighbor; beg someone for a ride to the poll; but do whatever you have to do to get there.  You must make that important choice and cast your vote.

Monday, September 17, 2012

                 Who do you really relate to, Mr. Romney?

Ok, Governor, I give you credit you can relate - In your own words (or your associates):

1. To Blacks, "I understand how difficult it can be for an African-American in today’s society. In fact, I can relate to black people very well indeed. My ancestors once owned slaves, and it is in my lineage to work closely with the black community. However, just because they were freed over a century ago doesn’t mean they can now be freeloaders. They need to be told to work hard, and the incentives just aren’t there for them anymore. When I’m president I plan to work closely with the black community to bring a sense of pride and work ethic back into view for them." (Prattville, Alabama, March 2012)

2. To Asians, "And they work in these huge factories, they made various uh, small appliances. And uh, as we were walking through this facility, seeing them work, the number of hours they worked per day, the pitance they earned, living in dormitories with uh, with little bathrooms at the end of maybe 10, 10 room, rooms. And the rooms they have 12 girls per room.

"Three bunk beds on top of each other. You’ve seen, you’ve seen them? (Oh…yeah, yeah!) And, and, and around this factory was a fence, a huge fence with barbed wire and guard towers. And, and, we said gosh! I can’t believe that you, you know, keep these girls in! They said, no, no, no. This is to keep other people from coming in." (Bain using Chinese slave labor, anyone?)

3. "Let's not kid ourselves about just how cheap offshore labor really is. We not only pay substantially less per hour, we also avoid the costs we would incur if these workers immigrated here. We don't pay for their medical expenses when they show up in the emergency room without insurance. We don't pay for their pension costs if they don't save for retirement. We don't pay for their children's public education. Nor do we pay for their out-of-wedlock children, their unemployment benefits and workers' compensation, their slip and fall torts, their wear and tear on our public infrastructure, and the cost of their drunk driving, drug use and other crimes. We outsource pollution, its adverse effects on our health, and its clean-up costs. Neither the employees nor their employers are here to vote and seek political handouts." (Your Bain partner, Ed Conard, in his book, writing about how you used out-sourcing )

4. To Latinos, "For those that come here illegally the idea of giving them in state tuition credits or other special benefits I find to be the contrary to the idea of the nation of law," (Sioux City, Iowa, December 2011)

"The way that we have in this society is to say, look, people who have come here legally would, under my plan, be given a transition period and the opportunity during that transition period to work here, but when that transition period was over, they would no longer have the documentation to allow them to work in this country. At that point, they can decide whether to remain or whether to return home and to apply for legal residency in the United States, get in line with everybody else. And I know people think but that's not fair to those that have come here illegally." (CBS interview, January 2012)

5. To the Gay and Lesbian community: "I would, unlike this president, defend the Defense of Marriage Act. I would also propose and promote once again an amendment to the Constitution to define marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman." (January 2012)

6. To women: "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I have since the time that my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a US Senate candidate. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, that we should sustain and support it, and I sustain and support that law, and the right of a woman to make that choice. And my personal beliefs, like the personal beliefs of other people, should not be brought into a political campaign. Too much has been written about religion in this race. I’m proud of my religious heritage. I’m proud of the values it has taught me, but if you want to know my position on issues, ask me, and I’ll tell you. I think the low point of this race was when my opponent and their family decided to make religion an issue in this campaign– brought it out, attacked me for it. I think that’s a mistake, I think the time has passed for that. John Kennedy was the one who fought that battle, but that battle lives for all of us of all faiths." (Massachusetts 1994)

"But while the nation remains so divided over abortion, I believe that the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate." (Massachusetts 2005)

"Probably from a political standpoint and a personal standpoint, the greatest mistake was when I first ran for office, being deeply opposed to abortion but saying, "I support the current law," which was pro-choice and effectively a pro-choice position. That was just wrong. And when I became a governor and faced a life-and-death decision as a governor, I came down on the side of life. That was a mistake before that." (August 2007)

"People have had a chance to look at my record and look what I've said. I believe people understand that I'm firmly pro-life. I will support justices who believe in following the Constitution and not legislating from the bench. And I believe in the sanctity of life from the very beginning until the very end." (June 2011)

"I was always personally opposed to abortion, as I think almost everyone in this nation is. And the question for me was, what is the role of government? And it was quite theoretical and philosophical to consider what the role of government should be in this regard, and I felt that the Supreme Court had spoken and that government shouldn’t be involved and let people make their own decision. That all made a lot of sense to me. Then I became governor and the theoretical became reality. A bill came to my desk which related to the preservation of life. I recognized that I simply could not be part of an effort that would cause the destruction of human lift. And I didn’t hide from that change of heart. I recognize it’s a change. Every piece of legislation which came to my desk in the coming years as the governor, I came down on the side of preserving the sanctity of life." (December 2011)

"Planned Parenthood, we're gonna get rid of that. The subsidy for Amtrak, I would eliminate that. The National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, both excellent programs, but we can't afford to borrow money to pay for these things." (CNN interview, March 2012)

"As Governor of Massachusetts, I chose a woman Lt. Governor, a woman chief of staff, half of my cabinet and senior officials were women, and in business, I mentored and supported great women leaders who went on to run great companies." (RNC, August 2012)

7. To working class Americans: "What is needed in our country today is not complicated or profound. It doesn't take a special government commission to tell us what America needs. What America needs is jobs. Lots of jobs…You know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had, was the day you voted for him…" (RNC, August 2012)

8. On "you didn’t build that": "You Olympians, however, know you didn't get here solely on your own power...For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians; let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities. All right!" (Winter Olympic opening ceremonies, 2012)

Relating the old "it takes a village" argument to business President Obama’s said "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen…The point is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

You have said this "Well, just read the whole speech. I found the speech even more disconcerting than just that particular line. The context is worse than the quote. The context, he says, you know, you think you’ve been successful because you’re smart, but he says a lot of people are smart. You think you’ve been successful because you work hard, a lot of people work hard. This is an ideology which says hey, we’re all the same here, we ought to take from all and give to one another and that achievement, individual initiative and risk-taking and success are not to be rewarded as they have in the past. It’s a very strange and in some respects foreign to the American experience type of philosophy. We have always been a nation that has celebrated success of various kinds. The kid that gets the honor roll, the individual worker that gets a promotion, the person that gets a better job. And in fact, the person that builds a business. And by the way, if you have a business and you started it, you did build it. And you deserve credit for that. It was not built for you by government. And by the way, we pay for government. Government doesn’t come free. The people who begin enterprises, the people who work in enterprises, they’re the ones paying for government. So his whole philosophy is an upside-down philosophy that does not comport with the American experience. And if we want to get people working again–and that’s my priority–if we want to get people working again, we have to celebrate success and achievement and not demonize it and denigrate the people who have worked hard, who are smart, who have made the kinds of investments to build a brighter future." (July 2012)

9. On the economy: "I wish President Obama had succeeded, because I want America to succeed…"The time has come for us to put the disappointments of the last four years behind us." (RNC, August 2012)

10. On balancing the budget: "The right way to balance a budget really has two prongs...One is to do those things that encourage the growth of the economy. So, you do things to get small businesses growing and adding-adding jobs. But you also go through and say which of those things that you should take out of the budget that are no longer essential. The easiest for me to knock out is Obamacare. It's about $100 billion a year. We simply can't afford it. But there are other subsidies that I think you're going to find that we take out." (August 201)

11. On Obama: "He calls his accomplishment "historic" — in this he is correct, although not for the reason he intends. Rather, it is an historic usurpation of the legislative process — he unleashed the nuclear option, enlisted not a single Republican vote in either chamber, bribed reluctant members of his own party, paid-off his union backers, scapegoated insurers, and justified his act with patently fraudulent accounting. What Barack Obama has ushered into the American political landscape is not good for our country; in the words of an ancient maxim, ‘what starts twisted, ends twisted. His health-care bill is unhealthy for America. It raises taxes, slashes the more private side of Medicare, installs price controls, and puts a new federal bureaucracy in charge of health care. It will create a new entitlement even as the ones we already have are bankrupt. For these reasons and more, the act should be repealed. That campaign begins today." (National Review, March 2011)

"His $716 billion cut to Medicare to finance Obamacare will both hurt today's seniors, and depress innovation - and jobs - in medicine." (August 2012)

12. On welfare reform: "President Obama now wants to strip the established work requirements from welfare…The success of bipartisan welfare reform, passed under President Clinton, has rested on the obligation of work. The president’s action is completely misdirected. Work is a dignified endeavor, and the linkage of work and welfare is essential to prevent welfare from becoming a way of life." (Houston, Texas, July 2012)

"I hope you understand President Obama in just the last few days has tried to reverse that accomplishment by taking the work requirement out of welfare. That is wrong. If I’m president, I’ll put work back in welfare…We will end the culture of dependency and restore a culture of good hard work." (Chicago, Illinois, August 2012)

You made the above statements when addressing a group of your supporters throughout the history of your attempts to seek election to public office – some of which you have had success attaining (governorship), and at various other times in life. So I say to this:

It has been said that the first (government-recognized) slave owner in America was a Black man. True or false I can’t say because I am not a great historian. History has shown that there were black people enslaved in Africa by other Blacks. But think of this, African-Americans were stolen from their native lands and brought to what is now America and force to provide free labor to help your family become the "entitled" American that you feel you are now. Your presidential running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, supports a plan to have people who receive unemployment work for free while they receive that unemployment. When you think of the fact that unemployment benefits are meager compared to the salary the person were be receiving before being fired or laid off, could this be a form of slavery? (By the way, can you spell O U T S O U R C I N G?) After such a program as this would provide cost-free labor to the one employing them.

Your views seem to change as it becomes politically convenient, wouldn’t you say? Your comments to the Olympians sounds almost like "You didn't build that," don't you think? Seems to me that your business was built on someone's shoulder. And the tax shelters that you took advantage of, were they something that you came up with? Oh no, that is the workings of "GOVERNMENT," I think. But it could be because of the subsidies you were able to take advantage of. And, oh yes, you have no problem with women in the work force but the "federal government" should make her decisions for her when it comes to her body. Do you NOT UNDERSTAND that in getting rid of Planned Parenthood means getting rid of the preventive health care more than three million people rely on for cancer screenings every year, birth control, and other preventive care for medical conditions that are specific to women? The man you have chosen to be your vice president, Paul Ryan, well, he staunchly believes that a woman should ‘absolutely’ have no say in what happens to her body in the case of rape or incest. We know where he stands on the issue. He put it in writing when he collaborated with congressman Todd Akin. Yet you both had no problem throwing Mr. Akin under the bus when he expressed his honest, and true, views on the issue of abortion. Hypocrisy? I definitely think so.

You may have started your company but you had some help doing so. Someone was your secretary or assistant. Certainly the"10 people" you started with were not all owners. As you yourself have put it young Chinese women worked for Bain for pittance wages so your company could make money in America. Your partner writes in his book how your company outsourced work and paid cheap wages. So, putting facts together – YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT, SIR. IT TOOK MANY PEOPLE TO "BUILD THAT." And, to begin it all your family used slaves which cost them some corn meal and a wooden shack but cost the slaves many aches and pains, much humiliation and indignation so your family could survive. So don’t try to tell me that you BUILT THAT WITH YOUR OWN HANDS. You, sir, did not build that. Did you take the president’s comments out of context? Ask your conscious, and take a look in the mirror, sir. The answer is there but will you recognize it? I admit that there have been those who have promoted advertisements on the president’s behalf that are misleading but straight out lying? Well – let your conscious be your guide. Think about this while you are looking in that mirror. Outsourcing has a huge negative effect on the American economy. Unemployment is increased by outsourcing and that causes people to have to resort to such programs as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) also known as food stamps; increased crisis, energy, heating, and cooling assistance; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); general relief assistance; Medical Assistance (Medicaid/FAMIS/SLH), etc.

Congressman Paul Ryan (after being selected as the vice presidential candidate): "Mitt Romney doesn’t want you to know the disturbing truth about his record as governor…But the facts are clear. Gov. Romney embraced the legalization of same-sex marriage, he imposed anti-business carbon-emission limits, and he championed efforts to limit Second Amendment rights. This isn’t the record of strong family values and small government ideals that our country needs to get back on the road to prosperity—this is a record of ruin." (Iowa State Fair, August 2012) Now, why would you select someone who is so critical of your record as your running mate?

When you ran for governor of Massachusetts you promised more jobs, less debt, and smaller government. The people in the State of Massachusetts got the following. They were the 47th of the 50 states in job creations; taxes and fees were increased over $75 million, annually; long-term debt was increased to over $2.6 billion; manufacturing jobs decline at twice the rate of the nation's; as wages were going up throughout the country they were falling in Massachusetts; and, you left the state with both a debt and a deficit when you left office. Why should we believe that the Romney economic forecast (which we have yet to hear a plan) would work any better for the country when you couldn’t make it work at the state level? You are quick to point out that the president had no experience in running a business and that is the reason he has failed at the economic affairs of the country. Well, Mr. Romney, you had experience running a business but had a very poor outcome as governor of the State of Massachusetts. And, oh yes, you say the reason for the disappointing outcome of your governorship was because you inherited a bad situation. Well, sir, the president inherited a disastrous situation when he took office in January 2009. You say "let’s hold politicians accountable." Shouldn’t you be held accountable for misleading statements and outright lies? And, oh my, how ironic it is that on the night President Barack Obama was inaugurated your running mate met with a few other members of the Republican Party and vowed not to allow him to succeed in any kind of way. (He has not broken that vow,) Yet, you both now criticize what he has not done for the economy. Sure there may be a few areas that he could have been more forceful but when your party resisted every overture, don’t you think that you are a bit hypocritical?

Now, let’s talk about Obamacare and wanting the president to succeed. You said "I want liberal policies to fail. I want him to fail in trying to put in place a health care plan that takes away the private sector from health care." Why would you want to put this burden on the poor and working class Americans? I am a poor, retired on-disability, senior, why should I pay a company that has a main goal of making a fat profit to pay my medical bills which would allow them to garner a maximum profit for top executives, etc.? This will allow me to receive the absolute best medical care, how? Pray tell me how does Obamacare differ from Romneycare? Fact is Medicare is strengthened by the Affordable Care Act and that $716 billion cuts waste and fraud not the care that I receive. The plan that you and your running mate want to put in place turns Medicare into a voucher program and will cost me more. And, it has the same $716 billion cut. Time for some truths, don’t you think?

May I remind you that in 2005 you asked the federal government for a waiver which would allow people to remain on welfare for an indefinite period of time. What the president has put into play does not in any way end the work requirements of welfare. Rather, it gives states the authority to seek the waiver that you asked for but does not unilaterally stop the welfare work requirement. The state requesting such a waiver must present a plan that provides for a ‘more efficient or effective means to promote employment and submit a plan that evaluates performance measures.’

Please tell me why do we want to start another war? Because it surely sounded like you wanted to go to war with Iran and Russia in your acceptance speech. If you are elected president will we end up in another war in the middle east or with China or Russia. Your bending and dishonest bending of the facts does nothing to encourage me to cast a vote for you if I was of a mind not to vote for the president. Instead it leads me to think that you neither have the core strength nor the necessary principals we need to lead this country.

No sir, I don’t think anyone has ever asked to see your birth certificate. Why? Because you are one of the "REAL Americans," right? And I am sure you have never been stopped by a policeman for 'driving while black.' You have never been required to present papers to prove that you belonged anywhere either. Slaves had to present papers and most recently Latinos have had to present papers to prove that they were legal or risk being deported. You probably were never stopped and asked to prove that you were a citizen while you were standing in your own front yard, either. Well, Mr. Romney, African-Americans, Asians, and Latinos have had to suffer these humiliations at one time or another. And, by the way, you have not been assumed to be a terrorist have you? I guess not because you don’t appear to be of Arab descent. I could ask a few more questions on proving you ‘belong’ here in America but I will stop here because I know you feel no prejudicial injustices exist in America. So when you say that no one asked to see your birth certificate you are saying that you are one of the "true Americans." I have no doubts that everyone who matters to you has heard everything that have had to say on immigration, "self-deportation," welfare, entitlements for seniors and the poor, who makes the decision what I am allowed to do with something so personal as my body, and who "belongs" in the White House.

Did I by some mere chance misquote or distort any of the words that came directly from your mouth?

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