Paul Ryan Calls the 47% "Takers"
In distancing himself from former Governor Mitt Romney's disparaging comments discing almost a half of the people in America as moochers Congressman Paul Ryan said Romney's remarks were "obviously inarticulate.... I think he would have said it differently, that’s for sure." Ryan, himself, has said "We risk hitting a tipping point in our society where we have more 'takers' than 'makers' in society, where we will have turned our safety net into a hammock that lulls able bodied people into lives of dependency and complacency." Being curious or nosey, as I often am, I decided to do an online dictionary check on the meaning of the word "taker." I have to wonder if Mr. Ryan ever thought to do the same. In the below definitions the Urban Dictionary offers three (3) definitions for a 'taker'. Of all the definitions that I found I wonder which of these would Mr. Ryan say describes what he means by the word "taker". I, particualrly, found the Urban Dictionary's 3rd definition "One who is always taking from others, similar to a mooch or chiseler. In most cases takers aren't stealing, they are just taking advantage of the hospitality of others without reciprocating or saying thanks" interesting. I also found Roget's 21st Centuryt Thesaurus, Third Edition's meaning extremely interesting. It says "Main Entry: parasite [par-uh-sahyt]. Part of Speech: noun Definition: something that exists by taking from or depending on another Synonyms: barnacle, bloodsucker, bootlicker, deadbeat, dependent, flunky, freeloader, groupie, hanger-on, idler, leech, scrounger, sponge, stooge, sucker, sycophant, taker Antonyms: blessing." So, just what does "takers" mean to you, Mr. Ryan?
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language - NOUN: One that takes or takes up something, such as a wager or purchase
Cambridge definition: someone who accepts or wants what someone is offering.
Glossary of Legal Terms: Definition - Noun: one that takes: as
a : one that takes property by will or descent <a residuary ~>
b : one to whom a negotiable instrument is transferred.
Urban Dictionary: 1. Someone who always takes from other people and never gives back. 2. noun - someone who likes it in the backdoor usually very often. 3. One who is always taking from others, similar to a mooch or chiseler. In most cases takers aren't stealing, they are just taking advantage of the hospitality of others without reciprocating or saying thanks.
Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. - noun: One that takes or takes up something, such as a wager or purchase.
Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition - n. One who takes or receives; one who catches or apprehended.
World English Dictionary - a person who takes something, esp a bet, wager, or offer of purchase.
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition- Main Entry: parasite
[par-uh-sahyt]. Part of Speech: noun Definition: something that exists by taking from or depending on another Synonyms: barnacle, bloodsucker, bootlicker, deadbeat, dependent, flunky, freeloader, groupie, hanger-on, idler, leech, scrounger, sponge, stooge, sucker, sycophant, taker Antonyms: blessing.
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